Rice Broocks, co-founder of Every Nation Ministries, recently joined us in Tallahassee for several days of outreach.

Pastor Rice has been ministering on college campuses for over 30 years, and recently wrote a book entitled God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty. The message of this book is that faith in God can be both intellectually satisfying and spiritually fulfilling. Along with Rice came physicist Dr. Brian Miller, who became a believer while an undergraduate student at MIT.
These men spoke at two events that we had organized at Florida State University and Florida A & M University. For weeks leading up to these events, we relentlessly promoted the events around campus with yard signs, t-shirts, flyers, and social media.

After so much preparation, we were hoping for several great nights of ministry. Our hopes were satisfied. We had two outstanding events! 140 people attended our FSU event, and 115 attended our FAMU event, including three professors! Many people stayed for over an hour after each event to ask questions, and discuss what they heard. A few even made decisions to trust and follow Jesus Christ. Praise God!
What Rice shared was also very helpful to the believers who came. They left with a greater confidence that their faith isn’t just based on fiction, but on trustworthy evidence.
Though these events were not recorded, Rice gave a similar at Every Nation, Tallahassee church the following Friday which was recorded. If you would like to listen, it is available for free download on iTunes here.